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Unlike permanent hold files, which contain only data, your Batch Reports contain page breaks, page numbers, and any formatting specified in your report request such as Headings and Footings. Batch Reports are usually downloaded to a word processing program, like Microsoft Word, to improve the printed appearance of the report by changing the font type, size, color, etc.
To generate a Batch Report, simply select Batch Execution instead of Online Execution at the Ad Hoc Reporting screen. Do not route the report to the printer. If you do, a Batch Report will not be generated. After confirming your job completed successfully, select the Download option under Batch Functions to begin the download process.
When downloading, provide a file name with the appropriate extension for the word processing software you use (e.g., .doc). For more information about download software settings, see the topic: What settings should be selected?
For information about formatting Batch Reports for your PC printer, see the topic: Word Macros.