Employment Date, Months and Years

Employment Date (XX:EMPDATE) is a computer generated field based on the effective date of the initial appointment transaction for your faculty, staff and students.  This field is available in most of the CIRS files containing employment history data, and is frequently used in reports to identify the length of time an employee has been at a particular campus.  


Two related fields are available in the AC, EH and SAC files:  Employment Months (XX:EMPMTHS) and Employment Years (XX:EMPYEARS).  Both fields are calculated as whole numbers using the file creation date.  If you would like to modify the define to use a different date and/or usage format, refer to the examples below:  


MYDATE/MDY = '01012004';



MYDATE/MDY = '01012004';

YEARS/p8.2 =  (mydate - XX:EMPDATE)/365;


For more information on date functions and defining fields, refer to your FOCUS documentation.