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If you maintain a file on your PC for a group of employees whose payment history needs to be monitored, you can upload those SSN's to your CIRS PERMSML file and then generate a Payment Extract (PY) file for that group. The steps below outline the process. Note: You cannot use the upload function unless you have upload authority. Contact your CIRS Security Coordinator for more information.
Create a list of SSN's on your PC.
Use only one SSN per line (row).
The SSN's can be typed with or without hyphens.
Save the file as a text (.TXT) file.
Upload your PC file to your PERMSML file in CIRS.
From action bar on the main CIRS menu, select OTHER and choose option 1.
Read and follow the instructions at the Upload screen.
Create a Payment Extract (PY). For example, to extract payment data for the current and prior 36 business months, use the selections below. Do not proceed to Step 4 until you confirm a successful extract.
SSN Option: SSN'S In Hold File PERMSML
Date Type & Range: Pay Periods From 0105 To 0405
File Source: Current & Prior 36 Months
Output File: PY
Generate the needed report using the extracted pay data. For example, the report below generates a running total of gross pay, by pay period, for each employee:
table file pY
sum py:grosspay
and compute RUN_TOT/P12.2 =
by py:ssa
by PY:payperiod
For complete information on uploading data and creating extract files, refer to your CIRS User Manual.
See also: Uploading SSN's To PERMSML.