Security Information

Security Coordinator

Security Restrictions


Security for the data and access to CIRS is the sole responsibility of the campus.  In addition to the items below, campuses must follow the procedures outlined in the SCO Information Security Procedures Manual that pertain to accessing the SCO Computer System.   


Security Coordinator

Each campus must establish a CIRS Security Coordinator. The CIRS Security Coordinator is our central contact at the campus and is responsible for authorizing access to CIRS and monitoring the security of the data and equipment.  To designate a CIRS Security Coordinator, submit a CIRS003 form, to our office.


The duties of a Security Coordinator include the following:        


Security Restrictions

The CIRS Security Coordinator is responsible for determining a user's access to Compendium reports, as well as ad hoc reporting files and the available fields within each file.   


Compendium Reports


Ad Hoc Reports