How To Use This Site
About HR-Data Operations
Ad Hoc Reporting
    Batch Versus Online Execution
    Batch Report Versus Hold Files
    Creating Hold Files for Downloading
    Copy Command Improved
    Creating a 'Unique' Key Field in Systemwide Files
    Creating Laser Printer Labels
    Checking Job Status
    Differences Between PH, PY and PHS Files
    Differences Between TR and EH Files
    Employee Versus Position Status
    Evolution Of A Report Request
    Finding Sample Report Requests
    FOCUS Version 7.6
    Getting Campus Name In Payment Data Reports
    Getting Accurate Payment & Deduction Data
    Holding And Reusing Data
    How FOCUS Processes A Request
    How To Execute Multiple Reports
    How To Identify Full-Time Faculty
    How To Identify Intermittent Employees
    Joining To The Pay Scales File
    Status Messages
    No Data For Report Request?
    Renaming Fields In Hold Files
    Reporting On A Point In Time
    System Messages
    Tenured/Tenure-Track Positions
    Using Smart Date Values
    Where To Find Student Data
    Verifying Data
    Extract Files
    Data Elements
    File Transfer
    FOCUS Commands
    Hints and Tips
    Sample Requests
       Active Employees With No Activity
       Addresses For Employees With A Retirement Status Change
       Addresses For Faculty Paid In Prior Pay Period
       Anniversary Date
       Benefit Amounts For Employees
       Comparing Base Pay On 2 Different Dates
       Count and List of Employees
       Count of University Police Department Positions By Class
       Count Of Promotions By Fiscal Year
       Count Of R06 Employees At Max
       Creating Labels For A Laser Printer
       Department Chair Lump Sum Pay
       Difference In Base Pay For Reassignments
       Employee Counts Over 5 Years
       Employee Search
       Employees Over Max
       Employee's Initial Hire Date Into A Class
       Employees With & Without A Parking Deduction
       Employees With CBID Change
       Employees With Multiple Employment Dates
       Employees Without All Health Deductions
       Estimating Number Of W2
       Exempt Employees With CTO
       Getting All Position Data For Department Chairs
       Graduate Assistant Timebase Change
       Gross Pay and Employer Contributions
       Identifying Employees With Multiple Positions
       Identifying First Date In CBID
       Identifying New Hires
       Identifying The Most Recent Appointment
       Lecturers With Basepay Greater Than SSI Max
       Matching PERMSML File To PH File
       Matching EH File to TBLDEPT File
       Minimum, Maximum and Average Salary by Class
       Original Hire Date For Current Employees
       Pay Data For Noncitizen Employees
       Pay History Summary
       Permanently Separated Employees
       PH File Available Earlier
       Position Count On A Specific Date
       R11 Employees Paid 07/2005 To 12/2005
       Summer Session Pay
       Systemwide Position Counts
       Total Gross Pay and State Share Amounts
       Tracking Hours For CSUEU Employees
       Transaction Listing
       Using Last Command
       Vacation and CTO Balances As Of Jan 01, 2005
       Verifying Transactions
       Years Of Service
Contacts & Links
Manuals and Documents
Screen Messages